Dr. Menandro N. Acda is Professor of Wood Science and Technology at the
Department of Forest Products and Paper Science, University of the Philippines Los
Banos. He completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from
the University of the Philippines Los Banos both in the area of Wood Science and
Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral training in Forest Products
from Oregon State University, USA in Wood Preservation and Biodeterioration.
Dr. Acda’s research interests include wood materials science and tropical termite
biology and control. Results of his research projects are published in international
journals and proceedings of conferences from which he received various awards and
recognitions. Dr. Acda is an elected Fellow of the International Academy of Wood
Science (IAWS) and the Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering
(PAASE). Recently, he was included in the latest Stanford University’s World’s Top
2% highly cited scientists across all disciplines. In addition to his research and
extension works, Dr. Acda is also actively involved in teaching classes in wood science
and technology and academic adviser to both graduate and undergraduate students.